So, what’d you think of those mashed potato brownies?
Pretty crazy, right?
My daughter came home last night after I posted and I told her to have a brownie. She asked me what kind they were. I told her mint chocolate. She told me she doesn’t like mint in her brownies. I told her to try one anyway to let me know what she thought.
She said they were good, moist, and that the texture was…different, but that she liked them.
Then I told her.
Her expression…was…PRICELESS!
“Mashed potatoes in brownies??!!”
Geez, it wasn’t like I’d put something in it like what Andrew Zimmerman eats on ‘Bizarre Foods’.
I mean, we eat mashed potatoes ALL the time.
I just worked it into your dessert.
Hmmmm…it’s got me thinking though, what else can I put mashed potatoes into? heehee
Now I’m excited to try to disguise a whole bunch of different foods.
I don’t know, we’ll see how it goes.
We’ve been having technical issues here at the 365 home today. I think the main computer is either staging a boycott, or is needing its’ last rites administered because I pushed the button like 6 times and couldn’t even get it to go on.
How can I do a blog if I don’t have access to the internet?
Oh, I guess I could go to the library.
But when you’re done baking at 9:30 at night because you can’t figure out what to make throughout the whole day (I’ve been having that problem a lot lately), the library is already closed.
You’d think they’d be open.
When people are getting ready for bed, aren’t some of them thinking, “Gee, I’d like something to read tonight before I fall asleep. I think I’ll head over to the library and pick me up a good book.”
I know I have thought that on occasion.
The library’s business would definitely increase if they stayed open til 11 or so.
Don’t you think?
I think I’ll write my senator a letter.
Maybe you should write one to yours too.
We could get libraries ALL over the country to stay open til 11!!!
It would be WONDERFUL!!
And librarians would love us!
We could even go look at cookbooks at 10:30 at night and stay there right up until the very minute the security guard comes around and says, (in my best very deep security type voice…or maybe a Darth Vader voice) “The library will be closing in 10 minutes. Please bring your items to the front desk to check them out so that every one may have sufficient time to do so.”
I don’t know. I forgot. Is that what they say?
I’m rambling.
This is a baking blog and I could have been done posting the recipe by now.
Now I’m giddy.
And I’m tired. Overtired.
I did make something tonight, but I can’t show you pictures till tomorrow and I’ll keep you in suspense.
I shouldn’t say that. It wasn’t anything spectacular like yesterday’s brownies or the cinnamon crunch cheesecake or even the blueberry pie, but it was good.
Tomorrow, I promise.
This is tough, baking every day.
Whose idea was this anyway??
I love you.
Thanks for reading.
You’re the best.
The best 365 reader that there is.
Oh, hey, did you know that we now have 93 “Like”ers on our Facebook page?
Pretty cool, hunh?
Actually, it’s pretty darn AWESOME!! I’m SO excited!
I just wanted to share.
If you’re one of them, thank you so very much. I really, really appreciate it.
And if you’re not,…
I’m kidding. I love you anyway. Everyone has free will.
You can like us. That would be cool.
I love you.
Still even.
Sleep tight.
Happy baking!
Comments & Reviews
Lynne, thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate that you took time to leave a comment. I’m not posting much this summer and obviously won’t make my 50 goals before my next birthday. I do admire your commitment to posting! I love the idea for your Lime Sour Cream…I’m definitely going to try that!