Do YOU like easy as much as I like easy?
I bet you do!
I see you nodding your head.
Then follow me as we discuss what you can do with this little blue piece of goodness located next to my recipes.

Easy’s good, especially when it comes to things like recipes.
You want life to be simple and quick when it comes to things in the kitchen, especially if you’re one of those people who have a life. Which I’m guessing, is each of you.
Am I right?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on a blog, saw a recipe that I knew I just had to make, then became side-tracked in one way or another (which for me is really easy to do) and forgot to bookmark it or came back to the computer later only to find one of the kids had closed the window.
Oops, sorry mom!
It’s my own fault, but so very aggravating!!
Well, I’ve come to you with a solution.
And everybody likes a solution to a problem, right?
There’s this thing, see, a little blue button that says “Save Recipe” which is now featured on many of my most popular recipes.
See it?

Comments & Reviews
Thank you!
Hi, I just love this idea! So, I downloaded the app and entered my info, etc. I then went back to your page and hit the “save” button. Nothing happened! So, what’s the secret? I haven’t a clue. Thanks!