Yes, I know it’s the first day of 2013 and this post probably should have gone up yesterday, but since I’m now a working girl I do not have as much time for blogging as I would like.
Please bear with me.
I’m still trying to find a balance.
Ironically, I’m talking about balance sitting here on the couch while my daughters have started doing yoga poses.
Now they are teaching their 15 year old brother a thing or two.
Yet, what better time to do a review of what was most popular in 2012 than at the beginning of 2013, right?
It’s better than doing in in June.
And I’ll just keep it to the top 5 since the top 10 would just be too much, I think.
365 Days of Baking had an extremely good year. I have been blessed with so many readers, FB likes, Pinterest and Twitter followers (though I still have yet to become as adept at Twitter as my daughters – they tease me), and just all around FRIENDS!
I am extremely blessed that you are all a part of my life.
I know 365 wouldn’t be where it is today without all of you and for that I am very, very grateful!
I give each of you a HUGE baking hug!!!
Our most popular post is of course, the Copycat Recipe – Texas Roadhouse Rolls.
This recipe is, in a word, UNBELIEVABLE!
These are SO very light and airy and the Cinnamon Honey Butter that you spread on them is…*sigh*…there are no words for how yummy the whole package is.

The next post has only recently moved into the second position – Homemade French Vanilla Coffee Creamer.
This stuff is THE bomb!
It is so very awesome being able to make it just at home, not spending as much money and knowing exactly what is going into your morning coffee.
I also made a Dulce De Leche Coffee Creamer that I liked even better than the French Vanilla. When I drink coffee with that, I feel like I’m spoiling myself.

Our third most popular post is the recipe for Homemade Cheese Crackers.
SO good and SO very easy, these crackers are even better than the ones in that big red box you buy at the store.
Kids love them in their school lunches or as an after-school snack.
Moms love them because they’re easy and moms know that NO artificial garbage is being used.
Hmmm… I think I may need to make some of these again very, very soon.

The Inside Out Caramel Apples take our fourth most popular post.
These were an awesome treat we made while making some caramel apples.
I liked these better than the whole apples because you could just eat the slices and not have to “pig” out on a whole apple.
Although I do like caramel apples very much, these were much easier and less messy.
They’re great for little kids who can’t get their mouths around a big apple.

Our fifth and final most popular post of 2012 was the Crockpot BBQ Root Beer Shredded Chicken Sandwiches.
I cannot get enough of this stuff!
The meat is really good and quite tasty but when the sandwiches are topped with the caramelized onions, cilantro and shredded cheddar cheese…
They’re just better than any shredded chicken sandwich I’ve had in any restaurant.
Yes, this is one of those recipes I’ve made again and again and again and will continue to do so.
It’s just. that. good.
And the best thing about this recipe, is I don’t have to slave over the stove to make it.
Since I’ve started working full-time, I don’t have much time to prepare dinners, so anything that can be made in the crockpot has been a saving grace.
The onions can be prepared beforehand and then reheated and the chicken just needs to be shredded about a 1/2 hour before serving, so it can sit and absorb the sauce.
Now I’m thinking I might have to make this for dinner this week.
It also makes quite a bit, so I’ll stick a bunch of it in the freezer for a future dinner.
LOVE that!

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve!
I wish you abundant blessings of happiness, health and JOY in 2013!
Thank you again SO very much for joining me on this blogging journey. It has been one fantastic ride and I SO look forward to what 2013 holds!
I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!
Comments & Reviews
Is it funny? I tried to get mine up but I just didnt have time. I love the posts you chose.
I will take A. All the above!!! Cheers to 2013 lady Lynne of mine! 🙂 So happy I ran into you this year!
I can see why those Texas Roadhouse Rolls were so popular. They look like soft pillows of breadly heaven.